Pride flag question mark

We proudly use the term "Queer" to describe our platform and the diverse identities it explores. This choice is intentional and reflects our commitment to inclusivity, visibility, and respect for the LGBTQ+ community.

Historically, the term "Queer" was used as a derogatory slur, contributing to the marginalization and stigmatization of the LGBTQ+ community. However, over time, the community has reclaimed and embraced the term as an empowering and inclusive umbrella that encompasses a spectrum of identities.

"Queer" serves as an inclusive and encompassing term that reflects the diversity and fluidity of sexual orientations and gender identities. It acknowledges that identities are varied and may not fit neatly into traditional categories, providing a space for individuals to express themselves authentically.

By using "Queer," we celebrate the resilience, strength, and diversity within the LGBTQ+ community. Our platform aims to create a space where everyone can explore and appreciate the rich tapestry of identities, fostering understanding and solidarity.

We recognize that the term "Queer" may be sensitive for some individuals. We prioritize community consent and encourage open dialogue. If you have feedback or concerns regarding our use of the term, we welcome your input to ensure our platform remains respectful and affirming.